Vacancy for Parish Councilors to apply for Co-option


There are currently two vacancies on Shipley Parish Council and qualified persons who wish to be considered for co-option are asked to write to the undersigned, giving brief details of their suitability.


There are certain criteria to being a Parish Councillor including:

  • Being registered as a local government elector for the parish
  • Occupying as owner or tenant, any land or other premises in the parish for the last year
  • Working in the parish for the last year
  • Residing in the parish or within 4.8 kilometers (3 miles) of it in the last year


Apart from meeting the qualifications for standing for election, you must also not be disqualified. The full range of disqualifications is complex and if you are in any doubt about whether you are disqualified, you must do everything you can to check that you are not disqualified before submitting your nomination papers.


The term of office of the co-opted Councillor will be up when further elections will take place at the same time as the elections to Amber Valley Borough Council in 2027.


All expressions of interest should be sent to the Clerk by 21st October 2024. You will then be invited to a meeting of the Parish Council. At this meeting, candidates will be given five minutes to introduce themselves to members, give information on their background and experience and explain why they wish to become a member of the Council.



Matthew Bullock

Clerk to Shipley Parish Council

Source: Shipley Parish Council
Publish date: Tue 1st Oct 2024